Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I was able to use the elmo to make my shared reading lesson more interactive. We read an animal riddle book together as a class. The elmo made it possible for every student to have access to the print. This lesson was important because our goal is to have the children write their own animal riddles in the next week or so. Giving them access to the text really enabled the students to see and hear good examples of riddles. We were also better able to identify the elements of a riddle. I made a chart on which we identified the clues provided in the riddle and our guesses. I was able to model how to fill in this chart with the elmo. It was a very effective lesson. I feel that using the technology really helped to engage the students.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am going to use an elmo to make my lesson more interactive. It will allow every student to see the writing and they will be able to help be read the text. We will read the story together and work together to solve the riddles. It gives everyone the chance to be successful.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Technology Inventory

I was really amazed at how much is available to us as teachers. My teacher mentor actually wrote a grant and was able to get a smartboard in her classroom. The school as made big efforts to incorporate technology into the children's learning. They recognize what a powerful tool it really can be. The one thing that could be holding some teachers back is not knowing how to use the technology available. Our school recently had a teacher development day. The focus was on technology. I found this very enlightening. We were shown how to use some specific tools with the smartboards. We even learned how to make a quiz and use clickers to answer questions. It was a great experience. I am beginning to see how important it is to imcorporate technology in teaching. It may take some time to learn, but once the concepts are understood, it can save a great deal of time and make your teaching more interesting and interactive.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here is my virtual tour link! Enjoy!