Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Internet Safety- Doing

I talked to my mom about some of the things I learned. I have three younger brothers and two of them still have to go through high school. My parents do a lot of the things recommended for internet safety, however, I felt a reminder would not hurt. My older brother and I never did spend a lot of time on the internet, but my little brothers might not be the same as I and my older brother were. They may have to make special precautions, especially since the world is becoming so reliant upon the internet. I shared with my mom some key tips in remaining internet safe and showed her a video. We also discussed the importance of actually talking about the reasons behind the precautions with my siblings. My mom was very supportive of my ideas and appreciated the discussion. She even taught me a little more about the subject.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two things I learned

I learned about anther great technology called the Promethean board. In these lessons I saw great examples of how technology could be essential. This was one of the most important things I saw. A girl in my group projected different writing samples and had the kids come up and underline the mistakes within the sample. Then they checked their answers. Using technology makes this lesson simple and accessible to everyone. I also loved another girl's idea of using the Promethean board to teach fractions. She had the students come up to the board and cut the pizza. I do not think this lesson could be done in a better way. It was very effective. The focus is on the student's learning objective and not on how cool the technology was! This was another great insight!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
I chose to read: "Tangled in the Web"

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
Elder Ballard’s words really shook me. I have seen the negative impact the media has had on society, however I did not realize that it was my responsibility to do something about it. Not only am I supposed to avoid those negative influences, but I am to speak out. Elder Ballard said, "The time has come when members of the Church need to speak out and join with the many other concerned people in opposition to the offensive, destructive, and mean-spirited media influence that is sweeping over the earth."

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I want to be prepared to make a stand against all that is offensive, destructive and mean-spirited. I intend to inform my future students and children of the dangers of the internet and media. I also wish to instruct them in good ways to use these resources. Rules and guidelines will be set that I and my children must follow in regards to media and the internet.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I can help others realize the importance internet safety is. I will help make sure that my family and friends are all aware of the possible dangers and the ways to prevent problems from arising.

Something I learned

One thing I struggled with is making the technology use essential. I sometimes get frustrated with technology, and it seems to me that there would always be another way to teach a concept. However, the slideshare I viewed was a great example for me. It showed me how useful technology can be. It should not be a burden, but an aid.
