Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tech Savvy Teacher

An effective teacher knows how to use the resources surrounding him or her. Technology is one of the greatest tools a teacher can use as it is constantly growing providing new opportunities. It is a way to reach all students in new and creative ways and provides hands on experiences to help master the subject. An example of this technology is using Kidspiration. We chose 4th grade standard 5 objective 2: Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live.

Our first step in this process was to identify common plants and animals found in different habitats in Utah. These habitats were wetlands, forests, and deserts. We use an activity on Kidspiration where students selected animals and plants and had to put them in the correlating habitat. This allowed them to brainstorm different possible environments familiar animals live in. Then next task was to create their own web of plants and animals found in the three habitats
in Utah.
After completing the brainstorm activity of the different characteristics. The teacher does a mini lesson where she or he talks about the different habitats and what lives in each. To assess the students learning we have them go back to the Kidspiration and have them write specific animals characteristics that allow particular plants and animals to live in specific environments. This technology helped students predict and classify different plants and animals into specific environments found in Utah. Kidspiration allowed students to participate using their hands and acts as a visual representation of what they are studying.
Angie Jack, Christina Murray, and Alesha Abrahamson

Here students have added animals that are appropriate for each habitat.

Here students have added plants that are appropriate for each habitat.

Here is the beginning of a web!

Here is a web that has been developed.

Here the kids will write what characteristics that allow particular plants and animals to live in specific environments.


  1. This looks like a fun, interactive way to organize information. I think students would enjoy figuring out where all the parts belong. Fun activity!

  2. This would be so much more fun than simply filling out a worksheet. I liked that there are three parts to the activity identifying plants and animals, creating a web, and explaining characteristics of the plants and animals. Great job!
